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   Terms and Conditions   

Services must be paid fully in advance.

A late payment fee of 10% will be added after one unpaid class/session. An additional 5% will be added if payment is done after a second unpaid class/session. 


Periods to take sessions/classes:

In class packages that are specified to be taken within a period of time (one month, 6 months, etc.) said amount of hours have to be used with that period. Classes/sessions that have not been used within said period are lost. If the full amount of hours are used before the full period and the client wants to buy more hours to use within the original period, we will honor the original hourly price until the period is over.


Private classes/sessions rescheduling/cancellations:

If for whatever reason (a holiday, a work trip, etc.) you need to reschedule a private class/session, as long as you let us know 24 hours in advance, said class/session will be rescheduled. Notification must be done to this email: 

We’ll always try to be flexible even if you cancel on the spot, but please understand teachers can’t really use a time slot that was freed with short notice so classes need to be paid for. We will be creative and try to make sure you don’t pay for classes you don’t have.


Group classes rescheduling/cancellations:

If a student does not attend a group class, said class can not be made up for, as the class will have been taught to the rest of the group, and also subject to be joined by new students. We will always try and do our best for students to be able to make up for classes they couldn’t attend by coming to a different group, having an extra class sometime, etc. We will be as creative as possible for students not to miss any class, but the rule is group classes are not rescheduled. 


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